Friday, October 21, 2011

11:30 am Friday

Good Morning!
We all got an early start this morning and me and Aubrey stayed up late figuring out how to post pictures :)! Click on the picture of the EMHE bus to go see all of our pictures on Flikr!

Before us students came to our work site, Stephanie took us on a tour Joplin, so the rest of us could see in person what a tornado can really do.  Amber said that it made her want to cry because she had never seen so much construction going on in her life to rebuild things that were destroyed.  It is one thing to see it on TV, it is completely different to see it in person and be driving down the street that was hit by the tornado.  I think we are all extremely grateful to have the opportunity to see and help here in Joplin. 

What are we currently working on?  Melissa and Amber are currently working on artwork for the house, Sarah, Jessica and Amanda are working on sewing cushions while Susie and Vicki measure and cut fabrics.  Shelly is doing an amazing job keeping us all on task and staying organized! The day is early, so make sure to keep checking in on our blog throughout the day!