Saturday, October 22, 2011

Day 3... And the beat goes on.

Yes, Extreme Style.
Sleep is low, but moral is high and may I say we all make quite the team.

Thursdays experience was seriously crazy. Meeting with the design producers and seeing how they fuction, was quite the experience. As well as seeing the houses being built and learning about the families. I'm so excited about this experience.

There is so much going on, on site and off site. Volunteers are everywhere and the houses are going up in no time. We are working like nobodies business to get as much done, before everyone leaves on Sunday. I've been thinking about the families, and thier losses while being on site and just working on little projects for the homes. So much has been taken from the selected families and many other families in the community. It's amazing how united everyone is. As of now all the families are enjoying themselves in sunny Florida, and they get to come home and be welcomed into their new home.
But what about after everyone leaves? And the view that is now being blocked by trailers and spectators and security is visable once again as a reminder.

I'm not trying to bring down the mood. These individuals are still picking up the pieces and its splendid to be able to help with that process. After we leave I hope we don't forget why we came down here, and what many families went through as they are reminded daily.
Volunteering is important and it has a significant impact.
